We have been parquet for almost 100 years. And we have been working with wood almost every day for just as long. The pleasure and joy of designing with wood on behalf of the customer and working together as a team to produce high-quality work that everyone involved can be proud of - that is the Dietrich craft and our attitude. This is what we work on every day with 150 permanently employed parquet layers and joiners. All permanent employees, well-trained and well-rehearsed.
And each and every one of them radiates a relaxed aplomb, as if they had experienced almost 100 years of experience in the company themselves. "We are a team - you can rely on each other," says David Angold, an apprentice in his third and final year. When asked about the satisfaction of working with such a sensual material as wood on a daily basis, he sounds almost surprised: "Yes, of course! That's why I'm here. That's why we're all here." Craftsmanship is experience, is team spirit.